Our Top 5 Tips For Preventing Dental Cavities In Children

Our Top 5 Tips For Preventing Dental Cavities In Children

Nobody wants their kids to get cavities. So if you’re looking to keep your child’s mouth healthy in Winter Garden, Pediatric Dentistry of Horizon West is here to help. Learn more about cavities in kids below, and get some top tips on how to protect your little one’s teeth from decay.

What Causes Dental Cavities?

Dental cavities are pretty easy to understand. They mostly happen because of poor oral hygiene, though a diet high in sugar or starch can also be a factor. Here’s a quick overview of the basics:

  • Bacteria feed on food particles, creating plaque – Bacteria love eating simple sugars and starches. If these aren’t cleaned away from your child’s teeth, bacteria will eat them and reproduce, forming a clear, sticky film called “plaque” on your child’s teeth.

  • Bacteria excrete acid as they digest sugar and starch – The bacteria in plaque will continue eating sugar and starch. As part of their digestive process, they excrete acid that can attack your child’s enamel.

  • Acid wears down your child’s enamel, leading to cavities – Acid “demineralizes” the enamel, removing essential minerals. Over time, this will damage the tooth, eventually causing a hole called a “cavity.”  Once a cavity forms, the best way to treat it is with a dental filling.

If your child doesn’t get treatment for cavities, the condition can get worse, leading to an infection of the tooth. So if you think your little one has a cavity, bring them to our office to see Dr. Hany Azer right away.

Our Top 5 Tips For Preventing Cavities In Kids

The good thing about cavities is that they're completely preventable with proper oral care and other lifestyle changes. Here are a few simple tips for preventing cavities in kids:

  1. Watch what they eat and drink – Don’t give your kids juice, soda, or other sugary drinks. Instead, have them drink water and milk. Cut back on sugary treats like candy and starchy snacks like chips, too. In general, a diet low in sugar and simple carbohydrates is better for their oral health, and reduces their risk of cavities.

  2. Brush their teeth twice a day – You’ll need to brush your child’s teeth for them at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste until they can take over. Most kids can brush on their own between the ages of 5-6 years.

  3. Monitor them when they brush on their own – Make sure your child is brushing properly, for long enough, and regularly. It’s not uncommon for kids to be more susceptible to cavities once they start brushing their own teeth.

  4. Give them plenty of (tap) water – Proper hydration helps rinse away food particles and bacteria, and improves saliva flow. Saliva helps neutralize acid in the mouth, preventing cavities. So keep your child hydrated. And go for tap water over bottled or purified water. Tap water has a small amount of fluoride, which helps protect the teeth from cavities.

  5. See a dentist every six months – Routine visits to Pediatric Dentistry of Horizon West allow Dr. Azer to identify cavities or potential cavities early. The sooner you recognize the issue, the easier it will be to treat, so make sure your little one sees us twice a year.

Need A Pediatric Dentist In Winter Garden? Come To Our Office Today!

Regular dental visits are key for your child’s lifelong oral health. So whether you’re a new parent, new to the area, or you’re just looking for a new dentist, come to Pediatric Dentistry of Horizon West. Dr. Azer would love to meet your child and help them keep their smile healthy. Contact us online or give us a call at (407) 554-4222 to schedule your child’s first consultation.

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